Spite your Face
By-passed Glasgow and G.I. Contemporary Arts festival to see Rachel Maclean’s much acclaimed Spite your Face film which is showing at the Talbot Rice Gallery.
This was commissioned for the Venice Biannale 2017 and although I got to Venice last March and had a wee look into the church of Santa Catherine I didn’t take the opportunity to go back for the Biannale.
The 2 showings were in contrast to one another. In Venice the presentation was in the deconsecrated church but in the Talbot Rice they have gone for the opulent setting. Thus representing both worlds of the character Pinocchio in the film.
It’s quite amazing that Rachel designs all her own costumes and plays all the characters in the film.
I had seen so much about her on telly what with this and the Billy Connolly portrait that when I spied her at a function we were attending I did do the awful thing and let her know I had‘ ‘clocked’ her. Nobody else knew who she was. Hope I didn’t spoil her evening! It was well worth the visit. Closes on Saturday.
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