Dingieshowe Dunes (Day 1087)

A cooler, windier and greyer day today, saw me in Stromness for a couple of jobs this morning. Apparently I was too early for the first one, but the customer deigned to let me get on with squeezing into a very narrow gap and squirming under a static caravan to fix a leak. 
The second job was easier with a lot more space to move around and I was back home for lunch with my beautiful wife. 
Afterwards I headed to the wilds of Deerness to look at an overflowing water tank. It should have been a simple job to sort the float valve, but access to the valve is impossible. I may have managed a temporary repair, but I am pretty sure I will be back there before too long.
On the way home I stopped off at a breezy Dingieshowe to take a quick snap from the top of the dunes.
Back home it looked like it would rain, so the bicycle stayed inside and I headed to the shed to finish a bit of carving.

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