Whoo Hooo 7th

The photograph club that I am in ( Brechin Photography Club ) have just got back the results for this years Scottish Salon and we are now 7th best club in Scotland and considering the size of the club is a great accolade . 
From the club web site :-
s the results from the 95th Scottish Salon start to trickle in, we are delighted to say that we exceeded our ambition of breaking into the top 10 camera clubs in Scotland by finishing in 7th place. From 132 entries, we received 17 acceptances and 2 individual awards. We will announce these when they are available, but for now we only have the club result. 7th place in Scotland for a club of our size is something to be very proud of"
I have two entries I wonder if they have been accepted if not the pints would of helped the club , will find out on Friday . 

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