
Is it easier with more legs?
I'm not so sure. I've noticed recently that I've a tendancy to now buy running shoes etc with quicklock laces. I actually begrudge the time it takes to tie my laces. Obviously this is a natural progression from filling the car. Omg do I hate filling the car, totally lost time, so boring. Maybe if there were random fireworks just to add a spark of interest.....
I suspect there'll be a lot of lost time over the next 36hours as I begin the journey out to BVI. So far the world's favourite airline have been the world's least helpful*, and changing trains three times appears to be quicker than staying on the original one. Hmmmmm
My subconscious must have been working overtime when it packed my reading material for this trip, Joseph Hallinan's "Why we make mistakes"

*according to BA's website I need a visa for BVI (instigate panic procedures...) which apparently they could sell me. Hmmmm, cancel panic, move to suspicious. Odd thought I, the IRC have never mentioned this. And that would be because the Foreign Office, BVI immigration and the people I know already out there said its nonsense. Check in should be fun.

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