
By kevinmcc

Two best guards!

Interestingly enough, Gray Cat and Lello are best buddies. Here they are - on the job, guarding our humble estate. I can't attest to what they do in their private lives, off the clock. Perhaps I should cancel the alarm service?

As usual, Gray Cat will probably be sitting later in the very same seat that I'm sitting in right now, as I write this blip. He seems to like hanging out with Scruffy (the Yorkie) in the home office.

In the meantime, Lello still has yet to figure out that being a somewhat out door semi feral cat is not all that it is cracked up to be :)

Meanwhile, Gray Cat seems to have some very interesting destinations that he visits on the internet.

I should stay up late some time and see just exactly where he goes.

Different blip - different story...

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