Dressing up

It's been freezing - so we've been feeling a bit housebound. We ventured into Melton this morning for a visit to the bank, we were going to have a look around and go to the library.  The youngest had other ideas as he was so cold, despite his several layers.  

Made Anzac biscuits with the boys this afternoon, they weren't all that impressed with the end result (which are quite lovely, if very sweet), so I think I'll take most of them to playgroup on Wednesday for some (hopefully) more appreciative recipients.  The eldest had some fun dressing up in tea-towels today - all his idea and apparently lots of fun.  It must be great being almost 3. 

Spent the evening looking at finances and household 'admin' with the husband, the end result is feeling more stressed about having lots of things to sort and do rather than less.... that wasn't how it was supposed to be! 

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