The day started fine at seven o'clock, but before eleven o'clock it changed a lot.
Mischa and I skyped again, working on the second part of her story. That went great. Then Piet Hein and I started a DIY job that we had planned several weeks ago. Four planks had to be shortened, and to be painted as well. Probably tomorrow we will continue when the paint had dried.
And a door which had trouble to open smoothly was helped with a little washer (I wonder if this is the correct word for it) and look a 10 year's old nuisance was solved in a minute.
That is so typically how things work at our place.
Our walk started in Herstelle, we walked along the river Weser in the direction of Beverungen. The weather had changed again and was much nicer. We liked that a lot.
On our way we did not see the two donkeys in their fields, but on our way back we saw them in the small field near their stable. The dark one stood as if he was made of wood, but the grey one came to the fence and was cuddled by Piet Hein.

Yesterday I had commented on the silly images and today I saw all the images again, great fun, and now I will give the first hearts to 60plus, cassnett, chrisphoto, davidc, and ExtraTime, later in the evening.

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