Another hill, another empty beach, another RANT!

Another steep hill and another empty beach (see extras). It's ridiculous that the doggie beach ban starts so early in the year. We LOVE walking on the beaches. It's one of the nicest things to do in St Ives. It is very beautiful in St Ives but Ann is feeling bored. She's missing all her Edinburgh friends. And apparently dragging me up steep hills (cos I'm slower than a snail) is not considered to be an enjoyable walk.

And while Ann's having a bit of a rant................... everything is so far away in Cornwall. Ann wanted to go shopping for cushions and lampshades and other bits and bobs. 'Dunelm Mill' is good for those kind of things but that's a 45 min drive away and there isn't any other shops nearby that she could also mooch around in. Even a trip to Asda took over an hour this morning. It's not even a decent sized Asda. And don't say 'order stuff online'. You can only do that if you've actually seen what you want to buy in real life otherwise you end up with the wrong colours or cheap tacky material etc etc etc.

The sun has been out all day and St Ives must be one of the prettiest towns in the UK but it's windy so not warm enough to sit in the hanging egg chair after living in Edinburgh for 6 months, Ann has got used to having 'everything on the doorstep'. I even have a greater variety of walks there. And if we wanted to go further afield and didn't want to go in the car we just jumped on a bus. The Cornish buses are rubbish! We've spent more on petrol in a few days than we did in a couple of months in Edinburgh.

Up until now, Ann has really enjoyed her two years of 'dual living'. However, she has a much better social life in Edinburgh and in the last 6 months has made even more friends there and has taken part in a lot more activities. OK, OK, I know that those of you who are her friend on FB probably haven't seen a photo of her without a glass of wine in her hand, but she's done a web design course, a pottery course, swing train classes, line dancing classes, dance aerobic classes, swimming, cinema trips, etc. Most of those things aren't actually available in St Ives unless you want to travel out of town and Ann doesn't cos she's lazy.

OK RANT over!

We know we are very lucky to live in a place where people pay thousands of pounds to come on holiday.................  But sometimes there's more to life than location, location, location???????

PS – if anyone wants a cheap few days in Edinburgh in the next couple of weeks check out our Edinburgh flat  here

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