Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

White blossom.

I love this great tall, old tree in Rishton, on the corner of Parker Street green space. From chatting to local people who were born here and played here as little children, this tree is special. We all hope it is not chopped down when the Gleeson housing development build on the green space. Nature has a healing divine presence running through it, and that can never be achieved by concrete.
I hope the tree lives to see many more Spring times when it expresses its essence of beauty in pure white blossoms so magnificently.
It is sunny and freezing cold here, but it was forecast.
It is amazing how fast April has passed. It is a beautiful month, and I am praying for warmer weather in May.
I have been doing my washing and laundry, and reading and crocheting.
I hope the week ahead is kind to us.
Have a good week blip friends.
Food for thought from Holy Shift, by Robert Holden.
"Remember that where your heart is,
there is your treasure also."

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