Capital adventures

By marchmont

Blip 29

29 October - the one that nearly got away.


I ranted and ranted and RANTED at RBS, eventually speaking to the woman who hadn't actioned her colleagues requests and caused all the delay. After the rant she got the required information (the expected resounding NO) and sorted the problem in 5 minutes - if only she'd done that a week ago.

Entertained a colleague from HQ, on holiday in Edinburgh. We talked referendum.

Had my 3rd physio treatment. That was an expensive slip.

Made arrangements to go West to the funeral on Thursday with the folks and #2 son.

Finally, became a 100%, rather than a 50%, flatowner

Fell asleep in front of 'New Tricks', which being based in Glasgow this week felt strangely like 'New Tricks' meets 'Taggart' . I kept expecting Blythe Duff to come round a corner with that look of surprised amazement she always wore.

And having fallen asleep, on the couch, forgot to upload the emergency blip of the inscrutable Molly, wishing that pesky light wasn't going off in her eyes.

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