Busy Busy Busy

I went along to the Quays for a swim this morning. I did better than last week, maybe because the the water was a degree or two warmer....apparently!.....but I still find it difficult to breathe properly when I do crawl. It is breathing out that is hard as the cold makes you just want to gasp. Anyway, there was some improvement and hopefully more next week...it isn't long before I do the Great Manchester Swim so I had better start exhaling!

I had just had a warm shower and was settling down with a book and breakfast at home when I received a text from Green56 and we arranged for a quick meet up in town. I do love a bit of spontaneity. It was lovely to have tea and cake and a good catch up.

I arrived  back home again in time for Pat to pick me up and take me to Ellen's. I started some early birthday celebrations with the Coven as Ellen had made a divine birthday cake for me and it went down very nicely with some pink champagne.

The day didn't end there.....fortified with fizz and cake I donned a dress and my new glittery shoes and Suzanne picked me up and we went along to Terry's surprise 50th. His face was a picture as he walked in the pub and we all cheered. It was a great evening. It was a very busy day and I was shattered when it ended......well into Sunday!

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