Blipped off

Not with blip
But the title I wanted to use would involve swear words

Today has been one of those days
Wom had an awful night
From midnight he was unsettled
Around five daddy brought him into our bed and I went into his bed

Wom then cried on and off till daddy took them both downstairs for breakfast

Wom then proceeded to get himself into a state which caused him to cough himself into a bigger state

He then slept

Daddy went shooting this pm instead of the am
Our cunning plan failed
Wom cried
Refused to be further than an arm reach away so nothing was achieved

Grandma brought Millie over but even that could not raise a smile
He was then quite poorly but immediately seemed to perk up

He’s lain on the sofa most of the day
He says he has a headache

He’s had a bath and then fallen asleep on me so was settled in bed until some inconsiderate bleep bleep skidded and crashed outside the house
Even though there is signage everywhere to say 20mph as they redressed the road today!

Long long day

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