Woo and, indeed, hoo

My failure to adequately capture, photographically, the true essence of Blip, the way it sits within my soul and its full meaning for me has, until now, led to me shun what I've mistakenly seen as the (I'm ashamed to even type the word) tacky "tradition" of the celebratory blip. But, the chance, almost celestial, alignment of me, Mr Smith, cycling planning, the Oxford and six pints of Deuchars brought the whole question into, err, focus. Yes, it could be done. I could get it all into a single photograph. Schoolnight beers, planning another ridiculous bicycle trip with a man I only met because of this place. And there was drink involved then too.

So, yes, 1000. Cheers blip folks and others. For the photography and the cycling and the music and all the rest.

And close inspection shows that he waxes the back of his hands.

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