Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

We promise to keep kids safe

The rules, regulations and obligations governing the Child Safe legislation that sprung from the Royal Commision inquiry into Child Abuse in institutional and nongovernment bodies are daunting and mind numbing.
If I stuff up and don't confirm that all my volunteers are properly screened or possess a Working With Children clearance, I can go to jail for 5 years.
So how to make the legal stuff valid and interesting? I have been checking out the displays at clubs and other churches - most have closely typed pages of policy - sometimes framed, mostly dull and dutiful.

I had a brainwave - make an eye catching Promise Poster that points to the policies etc, but makes it clear that this awakened way of behaving, of having zero tolerance for abuse, is embraced by the community.

We made 6 posters. One for each church and hall in the parish. Whilst making them they had the conversations and resolved the questions surrounding this topic.
This was my proto-type.

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