I love this mare!
Child care, weather and horse event have all aligned this weekend! Today cross country ride and show jumping, tomorrow cross country schooling day, all being well! Bitless and saddle less, though in total contact saddle. She was jumping exactly where I put her! Due to mud and deep going I was aiming for the edge of jumps and she jumped exactly where I told her. Not bad for a horse than hadn't jumped for years before I got her and I hadn't jumped for over 17 years, and this all bitless and in half a saddle. 4 faults in the show jumping clear round as she was like, 'show jumps really?, after going cross country'. One moment of almost off but otherwise in control and she was jumping when I told her to take off. Love this mare. Never thought anything could replace Fili but Molly has and some! Big F at respite and Twisty in a sheiling with snowboarding guru! I never had my own pony as a child and always wanted to be the child with a pony/horse/trailer/box at a competition and now I'm doing it, even though my worry about the risks almost overtakes me before I start, but feel the fear and do it anyway within a controlled-ish risk environment.
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