Most people I know get very frustrated by cones and lane closures on motorways when there is no work going on. I certainly do. At least there were lots of people working on this section of the M5 between J1 and J2 this morning. This work is due to last a couple of years as they work on the elevated section of the motorway as it passes over the Black Country and the speed limit is restricted to 30mph. It has been going on for some time already and I must admit that it hasn't been too bad when I have had to use it. It's fascinating to see all the different machines and barriers and signs. It's certainly colourful. It was the brightest bit of our journey back from Milton Keynes as the weather is still grey and damp.
For the record, Igor's gig last night was excellent. Good company, good music and good meal beforehand. Holiday Inn Express was also a good experience overnight.
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