The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Fitting in, by Colin Thompson

When I wasn't doing paperwork/ housework/market stall prep today, I was reading an amazing book called Fitting In, by Colin Thompson. It's highly illustrated and idiosyncratic, like the author himself.

From his birth in a too- respectable London suburb in 1942 to his teenage years at art school, discovering his secret Jewish-Polish roots by accident, to girls, sex and marriage (lots of all of them), the book zigzags back and forth, up and down, throwing up constant suprises.

Then there's depression, manic depression, hospitalisation, Asperger's diagnosis, moving to the Isle of Lewis, 'life in the 18 th century', as he puts it....but I am getting ahead of myself. I had to stop reading or I wouldn't have got anything else done.

I am a big fan of Colin's illustrations for Ravensburger and Schmidt jigsaw puzzles. These are taken from his numerous illustrated books for children. I only have one of these, and it is beautiful. I believe I may have blipped it.

Otherwise, it rained on and off. It may do the same tomorrow. This is not so good, as I have an outdoor market stall for cards.

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