
By JanetH

Squirrel Conkers

I had entertainment during my breakfast. A squirrel was playing with the conkers, collecting and storing them. Backwards and forwards it went across my lawn, taking the same route, collecting conkers from my patio and stashing them under the tree the other side of the garden. I grabbed the camera and tried to take a few through the window but with full zoom I wasn't doing very well.

The entertainment continued so I got the camera on the tripod and tried again but by then the squirrel had changed his route. Now it was along the fence at the back of my garden, collect conkers from my neighbours shed roof, back along the fence and bury them in the middle of my lawn, not sure I'm too keen about that! It was all a little out of reach of my zoom, especially through the window, but I managed the above. Not the best of photographs but a nice little story board.

Top left: Anyone looking? 1, 2, 3 here we go!
Top right: Stealing from neighbour. Quick taste.
Middle left: Back along the fence.
Middle right: Now down we go.
Bottom: Stash them here, no-one will see me.

If you have time you might like to view my other squirrel photo on 10th June 2012.

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