Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Lights, Camera .....No Action

The film crew turned up but only to park their vehicles in front of our apartment. Not to do any filming (that I could see) at all. So I popped over to the railway bridge that I have blipped a few times before for a night shot instead. I mushed the moon with the exposure and didn't help things with the processing, so ignore that smudge up there if you would please.

I wrote to the sales rep' from Sony today and asked if I could borrow some equipment to see if it would help my Blips look a bit better. I wouldn't mind doing a review of the A99 for the Blip Blog if anyone is interested. Who knows? If you don't ask you don't get - stranger things have happened.

Hospital was OK - I still have a gum shield thingy on my top teeth which will come off next week. Then I can eat a bit more normally and talk properly again.

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