Lines - AT148

Walked down to the village this morning to post a letter.  Then got the bus to Newcastle and then the Metro to Byker.  I haven't been to Byker for a few years.  Douglas and I used to go there regularly on a Saturday morning and in those days it was Ok.  Some good fruiterers and bakeries and lots of nice charity shops.  However today ------ its a bit of a " dump".  Lots of boarded up shops, lots of " cheap " looking shops and the whole place has a run down feel.  The only buildings which look well cared for and popular are the pubs - and the big new Morrisons.  So I didn't stay long and got the bus back into Newcastle.  Did a bit of shopping there before coming home.

I also took my blip shot in Newcastle.  It shows the reflections of buildings opposite in the glass windows of the Eldon Square Shopping Centre.  I did some processing to make it suitable for the Abstract Challenge - todays theme is " lines".  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

The weather today has been cold and windy.  I already had a headache and sinusitis and this weather didn't help matters. I needed a nap when I got home from Newcastle.  It was lovely just to go to bed and snuggle up for a while.  Felt slightly better when I got up again.

Steps today - 10,689

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