At the Pictures

Scorchio again today! 30 degrees in April!!
I had a taster session first thing at a toddler group in Towcester. Only three people turned up - presumably because it was so glorious outside. 
From there I headed to Bicester to meet my mum for the cinema. She often goes to the Wrinklies Screening as she calls it - a special offer for OAPs on a Thursday which gets you a ticket, tea and biscuits for £3.99. Bargain!!
A couple of weeks ago I went with my mum to see The Darkest Hour and I was pleasantly surprised that I also got in for £3.99 and had a lovely cup of tea and some chocolate chip cookies!
Once term starts I'll be working on Thursdays so we made the most of my role of geriatric carer and we went to see Finding Your Feethis afternoon.
It was lovely. Full of every 60+ British actor and actress you can name!!
It was one of those films that makes you want to make sure you live life to the full. And wear more colourful clothes!
I went to get the Little Misses and then came home for an hour of arguing about 11+ homework. Lovely!!
I pretended to ring her teacher and cancel the lessons as I was sick of arguing about homework and she went crazy. Screaming and wailing and being generally ridiculously melodramatic. Sigh.
Once I'd gratefully dropped her off at her lesson Miss L and I went round the corner to the park. She made friends with a couple of girls there - Miss B and Miss E, and I made friends with their mum, Mrs L. They live just opposite the park and we've arranged to call for them next week while Miss E's at her lesson. It feels funny making new friends at the park at my age!!
While we were on our cruise last week Miss E and her fellow tutees had another mock test to see how they're getting on and to give them more practise in proper exam conditions.We found out tonight that Miss E scored 87% in one paper and 90% in the other.  She's very proud of herself! And we're very proud of her too!!

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