The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Today’s Itinerary

Dear O’H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

To add to the injury of having no work, I had the insult of Rod and Marina ‘working from home’ so there wasn’t even any chat to help me through my working day.

If I had had an itinerary, this is how it would have looked:

6.00 am - 6.45 am
Get ready. Eat breakfast

6.45 am – 8.45 am
Procrastinate at home - sort out yesterday’s laundry and randomly shampoo bits of the living room carpet that look a bit dirty.

8.45 am – 9.25 am
Walk to work as slowly as humanly possible. Stop several times to take pictures (all of which will be rubbish*). Notice that I have been overtaken by several octogenarians and a few snails and don’t even feel any sense of shame.

9.25 am – 9.30 am
Stand outside office. Contemplate crying. Consider selling soul. Remember that soul has long since left.

9.30 am – 11.30 am
Read about the Normandy Landings in WW2

11.30 am – 2.00 pm
Walk 2 miles to meet Dodzilla for lunch. Have a cheeky half pint. Wisely reject the desire to have another 10. Walk back.

2.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Further WW2 reading.

3.00 pm - 3.30 pm
Go for coffee with Smashley

3.30 pm – 3.50 pm
Feel absolutely wired due to caffeine overload. Have a group messenger chat with Rod and Dodzilla which proves challenging due to caffeine shakes. Chat descends into pig puns. Consider this to be hilarious. Count minutes until home time.

3.50 pm - 4.00 pm
Question whether a temporal fragment has occurred as time is clearly at a standstill.

4.00 pm
Run out of door resisting the urge to scream ‘Freedom’.


*not actual rubbish. I wasn’t taking pictures of bins.

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