"There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish."  - Warren Bennis

Phew what a day!  After school Judges awards ceremony for this year's Demirkan Aşetey Art competition - a small crowd to support the successful participants, a few short speeches and it is over for another year, the 17th year we've done it, in fact.  Thanks to the class of '76 who financially support this art competition and to the judges (local artists) who chose from the 100+ student artworks this year. 

Then back to school just after 7pm to be front of house supervisor and sometimes  audience for this year's Dance Evening.  A packed house watched various performances, including, as last year, the Kafkas group from the Adapazrı Enka School Folk Dance Group (pictured). 

Collapsed at Caitlin's and rounded off the evening with a beer I don't usually like but beggars can't be choosers and Tuborg never tasted so good.

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