'Molly has been VERY naughty'

'Molly has been VERY naughty'. ................Those were the words that greeted Ann when she came back from the hairdressers today.

This is what happened......................... Juozas, (in this Blip) our very lovely painter/decorator, came round to start painting our living room/kitchen and Paul (the electrician) came round to put in an extra socket for us and also some new lights. Ann went off to the hairdressers. And it was all getting a bit much for me so I went upstairs for a snooze....................

….............When Ann came home, I was lying in 'good dog mode' on the landing.....................

Mmmmmmm................. looks can be deceiving!

Juozas had left his lunch on the floor upstairs. Juozas's lunch was in a plastic box in a plastic bag. Juozas obviously doesn't know what a clever collie I am? I might be going a bit deaf and blind in my old age but there is nothing wrong with my nose. Juozas's lunch smelt absolutely delicious so do you know what I did?...................................

….............First, I shredded the plastic bag and then I opened the plastic box and then I gobbled up all of Juozas's lunch. Yum, yum, yum! It was sooooooo tasty. There was meat, there was potatoes and there was carrots. I couldn't believe my luck. Juozas and Paul were working downstairs so they had absolutely no idea what I was doing......................... Until Juozas wanted his lunch!............... And then I obviously got into big trouble.................

I thought Juozas liked me but I think he might have gone off me a bit????

When Ann came home she was absolutely mortified. She said, 'Molly, I cannot believe you have done that. What dreadful behaviour.'

…................And then she took me out for a few hours because she said that Juozas had to be left in peace. We walked for a couple of hours and after an hour or so, I sicked up all my lunch. OK, OK, I know. Far too much information. I'd obviously just wolfed down the whole lot in record quick time because I sicked up whole carrots and whole potatoes. Oh well, ho hum................ it did taste pretty yummy at the time?!

Juozas is coming back tomorrow and Ann is going to work.

…..............Ann has told Juozas to put his lunch in a 'high up' place tomorrow. Booohooo!

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