Reminiscing about .....

..... Am Dram!!!
I was sorting some photo albums this a. m. when I came across these odd photos'. Many years ago our family were quite involved in the church drama group, it was great fun and enjoyed by all who took part . Here is a few photos from J.B. Priestly 's " When we were married . I'm bottom right as Mrs soppitt with my stage husband above me. For those who do not know the play my character was of a formidable wife to a timid husband ( not liked slapping him!! as he was a real sweetie in real life?) it was great fun to act . Out of all the plays I was in I think this was my favourite .
It's been another busy day starting at 7.45am with a trip to the tip with 5 bags of refuse . Then home to clear out a cupboard ( only partially done) . Next it was shopping at Sainsbury's . The Plummer then arrived to quote / measure up for a boiler, shock horror another huge bill on the cards. Just having paid car and house insurance, water rates and the car repairs at the end of the week , I'm a little light on funds to put it mildly! Hey ho " there ' ain't no pockets in shrouds!!" So put up and shut up , just get with it Mrs E.
It's been a dry day if a bit chilly after the scorcher of last Thursday. Guess the plants will be grateful for a bit of rain now ---- I've ordered it for over night ---- ? Whether it's heard tho'!

Grateful ..... for such a nice Plummer , such a great guy.

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