The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Old Forge (Monday 23rd April 2018)

Those couple of days of sun we had last week really woke up the garden, which changed more in a couple of days than it had in the last two months. I had a wander round the garden with my camera yesterday afternoon photographing some of the flowers that had just come out. This maple tree (acer pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum) had started coming into leaf a day or two before and isn't fully in leaf yet, a fortnight or more later than last year. This year I have photographed it from standing just below.
The Extra shows some grape hyacinths (muscari). It is the first year I have grown any.

24.4.2018 (1030 hr)

Blip #2629 (#2379 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.60-18.3.10)
Consecutive Blip #013
Blips/Extras In 2018 #072/265 + #23/100 Extras)
Day #2953 (579 gaps from 26.3.10)
LOTD #1773 (#1614 + 159 in archived blips)

Spring series
Trees series
Leaves series
Acer series
Old Forge series
Flora series

Taken with Pentax K-50 (Red) and Pentax smc P-DA 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 AL WR kit lens (Red)

The Old Forge Woodland Garden, 23 April 2018 (Flickr album of 9 photos)

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Albion Country Band/Albion Morris - Albion Sunrise/Upton Stick Dance (1973)

One year ago:
The Old Forge (The same Maple one year back)

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