MonoMonday: "Patriotism" - George Stephenson
I've not had much time to sort out my blip today, as we had a long walk of almost 18 miles from the village of Wall to Wylam, still following the Hadrian's Wall Trail. Once we arrived in Wylam (and after a welcome recuperative pint of ale of course [called "Wall Walker", believe it or not! - brewed by Hexhamshire Brewery]) I left my friends - who are going to complete the walk to Wallsend tomorrow - and took the train back to Newcastle (I have too many commitments tomorrow).
Chantler63's MM theme for today (St George's Day) is "Patriotism". I struggled a bit with this, but we chatted about it as we walked and decided that George Stephenson must have been quite a patriot. And we passed the cottage where he was born, as seen in the photo, about 1/2 a mile from Wylam.
Stephenson was, of course, the "Father of Railways" - which in itself showed a love for his country in view of the great benefits which it brought. He also showed his concern for the welfare of others by designing a miners' safety lamp, which was probably better than that designed by Davy although he failed to get the recognition given to Davy and his lamp was hardly used outside the northeast of England.
He was of very humble beginnings (his family lived in only one room of this cottage) but he was very generous later in life, financially supporting the wives and families of several who had died in his employment.
I think this shows his love for his local community which must be an essential part of patriotism.
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