Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A thought-provoking theme today...

...”Patriotism”, for MonoMonday...

I do love my country, and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I love its quirky quintessential  Britishness – things like marmalade for breakfast, the boat race, queuing, and a nice cup of tea... I like the fact that we live in a green and pleasant land, a democracy, and are free to speak our minds...

I am, however, also very worried by the increasing divisions in our society – between rich and poor, left and right, Remainers and Brexiteers, and so many more based on nationality, race, or religion.

I was heartened today to see a post on Facebook that celebrated Saint George’s diverse background – even if only half of it is factually correct, the sentiments behind it work for me!

His dad was from Turkey

His mum was from Syria

He was a Roman

He died in Palestine

He never visited England

He didn’t kill a dragon

He is an English Saint

He is a Muslim and Jewish prophet

And today is also Will’s birthday – so Happy Birthday to the Bard too ;)

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