Happy Birthday WhiteJail London - 9th Nov 2012
They say "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" I say the Key to London Club Land is through Elecetic Taste in Music.
Its been a long journey... one with many sweats, hard work, tears, happiness and disappointments. But each path taken, was one that was worth making it happen.
Enlightenment seems to happen, Bitter sweet memories seems to fade...Smell of success have just popped around the corner. All in due time for the first year anniversary of Whitejail London.
I remembered vividly being briefed about this project in September 2011 last year.
Sitting in the cold, my dear friend was late for one hour and more, almost hitting midnight like cinderella , I almost left....Amazed at how patient I could be...I still Surprise myself LOL.
The sudden surroundings of 10 men at Angel Station does nudge you awake and suddenly everything was in full swing....
The words made were not of a empty shell. They fought, we worked hard on the promotions of making the first one a success. Many Involved have been great friendships built along the way.
The cold tired air of London and the countless weeks and nights of walking hours and hours of talking to people and giving out flyers... Word of mouth does spread like wildfire as they say... All paid in due time...
Biographies were brainstormed and written, photos were taken... My first has still been fresh and lingers till it rests....
What can I say but well done to you guys and thank you for involving me in this unique project of yours.
From Cold endless sleepless nights, angers and tears flown to happiness and beautiful sweet Success... You guys have done so well.. One year on and Many more to come...
I dedicate my blog to the WJ logo....to the WJ Crew, the WJ family, to the WJ fans, to the WJ DJs, WJ Supporters and last but not least, to 4 special people whom have changed the light of London finest clubbing scenes into something else special! Well Done Everyone!!! (Your Royal PierHighness, if you reading this) We all miss you! Come back Quick!
Have not found your key? Lost? Tired? Dunno what to expect and do? Don't go to the police station ....Just follow our key and we will show you the light... the light of Whitejail shines on and on....
Happy birthday my dearest Jailers... and make sure you say Hi on 9th of Nov 2012....
See you there or Be Square! :)
Last but not least, I LOVE you ;0)
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