Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Mad Pride

It could hardly have been a more perfect day.

The weather was great, the venue was ideal, the months of planning paid off, and the people (600+) turned out for a great line-up of drumming, music, cabaret, burlesque and much more. ‘Liverpool Mad Pride: Circus of the Absurd’ was a success!

People wrote their thoughts on a graffiti wall and the wonderful Jodie turned their words into a song which she performed ahead of the parade through the Baltic triangle, finishing with more drums, lights and fire to conclude the celebrations. It was a 12 hour day and I’m still exhausted as I write. But it was worth it!

Thanks to all the team who brought it together - Nici, Sarah, Nikki, Jodie, Eric and the crew at District, ItalFresh, and all the amazing performers, volunteers, and members of the public who made it such a special day!

I took hundreds of pictures and I’ve debated which one to Blip, but a straw poll of family and friends favoured this one! I’ve put a few more in Extras - including my own costume for the day - and you can see a rather bigger selection at (CarolineJay, I tried to include your favourite picture but it kept loading sideways for some inexplicable reason, so I gave up!) 

Musically, I think this mash-up of ‘Madness’ and ‘Enjoy Yourself’ sums up the spirit of the day perfectly. We’ll never get to see Prince Buster, Suggs, Georgie Fame, Eliza Carthy and Rico all playing together again, which is a shame!

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