Gerragarth an Lingarth

Woke up to gales and rain hammering on the caravan.  The rain stopped, but overcast and misty all day.  The mist lifted tonight, and winds calmed, but showers again.

The morning was spent packing up the caravan, and ready to head home.  First we popped along to see Fraser, and had a cuppa and catchup at his work.  Headed north after, and a cuppa with sister Julie, and said goodbye to the family.  Elise came down with us, and headed back to Scalloway.  Big Brian and Madeline had Sunday roast ready for our return.  Walkies with Sammy around Scalloway, also with friend Julie and Keba, and had a look at my plants in the greenhouse.  Elise is staying over tonight. 

Heading north to Julie's, we stopped off for a photo.  A fine view over the crofts, with the walled rigs.  Gerragarth in the foreground, and Lingarth behind, Baltasound.  

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