Lots of Lola Love...
After my trip last night to the out of hours service I can't praise our NHS system enough. I don't know what I would have done without the inhaler and spacer as the coughing fits are so frightening.
I managed to sleep for short periods but it was 8.30am before I fell into a solid sleep, waking at 12.30. In fact I was just waking up as David came into the room to if check I was still alive wanted any lunch :D
Managed to get showered and dressed and downstairs by 4pm. Everything done at a snail's pace to avoid triggering a coughing fit. They are still happening and are still frightening but apart from that, I do feel better than I did. The inhaler has meant I am able to catch my breath and my temperature has come down a bit and the horrible clammy feeling has reduced.
Once downstairs I have done nothing but sit, although I did manage to put roast potatoes in the oven at dinner time while David was walking Lola. That was my contribution to making dinner :-))
Lola has been a wee sweetheart. I swear she knows I am not feeling well. This is her shoving her nose against my laptop tray to signal that it's time for Lola cuddles. I have been getting lots of them today.
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