Forget Me Knots

These remind me so much of Billy....

They are at the corner where my garden adjoins her garden and where Billy so often used to lie - see Friday's blip....  

Another place Billy so often sat or lay was under 'HIS' tree, my miniature willow.  Yesterday I planted some sweet peas (as in the extra today).  I hope they will bring colour in a few weeks time....  Everytime I look into the garden I instinctively look there, and it brings tears to my eyes....because he's no longer there.

What a storm last night.  I went to bed at a quarter to 10 and was reading when the storm proper started.  At midnight I woke with a jump as it thundered right overhead, then I must have drifted back to sleep.  At 2.20am, it thundered right overhead yet again....and my bed shook and I woke with a jump again!!  So I didn't get much sleep.

It has been a weekend of tears for Billy....

I went to say goodbye to someone at church who is moving on today, and ended up in tears yet again...not for them, but for Billy (how embarrassing)...and then talking to another friend (and talking to our lovely Minister I was tearful, but he understands and says it comes in waves)....

I have been in the garden this afternoon, weeding and planting seeds and now I must get ready for tomorrow as I'm back to work (and hoping I will not be so low as it will be mega busy).

Have a good week Blippers :)

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