
By bananablip


This morning was the absolutely glorious task of putting my winter clothes away in the loft and bringing down my summer clothes. So great. But if the weather turns artic now, do not blame me.

Onto brunch in the sunshine at The Mytton & Mermaid with chickensparrow. I had a vegetarian breakfast but ate SS's black pudding. Is there a word for that? Bloodytarian?

A bumble around town and Asda then back to potter in the garden. This mostly involves looking after the seeds at the moment. I can't do anything else in the garden till the house builders have come and sprayed the weeds for me. Now I'm torn between wanting to get the garden done and so spraying the weeds myself or hanging on because of the principle of the thing. Watch this space.

I can't bear being inside the house for more than 10 mins if it's nice out so I went for a walk around the block this evening and pushed myself a bit too far. Cant walk on my foot again. Tomorrow is going to be a complete rest day: no walking, no driving, no running, no cycling. Good job the marathon is on TV. How long do you give me before I'm crawling the walls?!

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