
Today's the day ........................ to imitate

A couple of very welcome visitors into the garden today - a pair of treecreepers looking for grubs and insects in the bark of the birch tree.

They are about the size of a sparrow.  Their bills are gently down-curved and rather long, useful for probing bark for insects and spiders. They often climb up tree trunks in a sort of spiral, starting at the bottom and hopping with their feet together.  Their toes are long and tipped with strongly curved claws, good for gripping.

Will has an app on his mobile which you can use to imitate the calls of wild birds.  He couldn't stop himself (!) from choosing the treecreeper one and broadcasting it over the garden.  The effect was instant.  One of the treecreepers (presumably the male) went into full battle mode, flying around from tree to tree and screeching at the top of its voice.

Must be the power of treecreeper love .......................

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