This mug, which was a gift to myself when I first moved to Seattle, really reflects the way I've been feeling during what has been a difficult week. I know that everyone my age experiences some decline in memory, but I seem to myself to be doing pretty badly and am feeling a little befuddled. So I've realized that there are a number of areas in my life where I need to organize things to make it easier for me to focus and remember, but organization has never been my strong suit. And since I'm a clutterer, that makes it even harder. Even though I'm a strong supporter of recycling, it makes the process of decluttering really difficult because it means I can't throw anything away.
So I've been in a real funk and haven't had the energy for taking photographs or to deal with Blip. My apologies to those whose comments I haven't replied to, and those I follow whose photos I haven't commented on. I'm sure I'll start feeling more energized soon.
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