The beach near Dymchurch

First cycle ride of the year and a little earlier in the year too than recent times. The warmer weather enticed us out onto the Marsh for a meander along the country lanes and coastline of Romney Marsh, one of our two favourite rides in Kent.

Being a Marsh means it’s flat which mostly a blessing as minimal effort is required to keep you going, but there are no downhills and the wind can be strong and always, always seems to be in your face.

As is customary on this ride the first stop, two miles in is Lathe Barn tea room on Donkey Street for coffee and scone. Then a long ride of 22 miles until our next food stop at the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway at New Romney for a late lunch. We did stop to admire the scenery, the fresh spring growth and wildlife along the way too visiting Billsington Monument on the way.

The last leg is a five mile spin along the sea wall between New Romney and the firing range at the Redoubt. This is where today’s blip was taken. The wind was mostly behind us on this section making it an idyllic ride with a feeling of summer about it. Families were on the beach, the aroma of fish and chips in the air. More like July than April.

A grand day out.

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