All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Halloween party / playdate

Ethan had been invited to a Halloween party / playdate today. He was so excited to finally be getting to wear the spider costume which I'd bought him a few weeks ago. I was very surprised when he chose it as he's petrified of spiders but he loves this costume.

It's fair to say he had a FANTASTIC time today with his wee pals Lucinda, Anna & Mia. Lots of party food was consumed, lots of charging around the house by the kids with the sound of lots of laughter. The 4 mummies even got a catch up natter and a cuppa while the hostesses sister (the grown up witch in this photo) entertained the children for ages. Simply brilliant. When we left, Ethan told me "that was a fun party" and then fell asleep in the car on the way home!

I took him over to the Foreveryoungs for dinner as he's staying there as is usual on a Sunday night. The weekends just go far too quickly!

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