knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Very poorly big pup

It's been a day of worrying.
Rob worked from home today and we took Kermit to the vets first thing.
The vet said that since there hadn't been much change since Saturday with him having the drugs that it looked like it was a tumour on his shoulder. They took him in to take a biopsy of it so they can find out what it may be.
Looks like it is malignant as its in his muscle and veins.
We got him back this afternoon and he's got a big bald patch around it and a big scar and looks very sorry for himself.
He's to take it easy until we find out what's next.
Not great at all but he's tucked up in front of the fire on a nice new big bed.
One good thing happened today and rob has got a new telescope. We Had it out for a quick play tonight and we're going to see if we can get an adaptor to put my dslr on it, which should be fun.

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