Hands on

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I was called by my dad to come out to the small lane by our house with my camera as he had found something so beautiful. A mole, lost, disorientated, he had obviously come up from underground at the wrong place & wondered why there was a hard surface instead... they're entirely blind & smell & feel alone. Dad picked him up & we took him back to our garden & I managed to get this photo as he was popping out of my dad's gloves... such a strong little beast, certainly a gentleman in a velvet jacket. I placed him in a cardboard box to check if he was ok, even went & dug up some earth worms, he loved those, to watch a mole slurp a worm, crunch, sneeze & then squeak is literally the cutest thing - ever! I was bursting for the bathroom, so I left him with box lid closed for literally a minute, when I came back, he had escaped... so he was perfectly ok & it was 'Mole on the run'... but I tell you, that was one of the happiest hours I spent in the company of such a rarity, a mole, hands up who's seen a mole in real life? Very few!!! :)

And a robin in real life? Ok, LOADS lol

Larry wood

Sunshine. Busy packaging up calendars. Sold loads already. Ahh still can't say anything. But doing well! All is ok. My mummy was with me all today, I felt her by my side... she awwwed over the mole too. :) xxx

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