Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

The soul of a tulip: Flower Friday

This morning, before breakfast, I set off to take the train to visit the Tulip Festival again! I bought a raisin bun and a bottle of water and had breakfast on the 15-minute journey!  Getting to the park early was really worth the effort as there was virtually nobody there! I had the gorgeous, out-of-this-world blooms all to myself! It was extremely difficult to choose the flower to put up today as I'd taken 250 photos!  Now I have to sort through them all and eliminate the less than perfect ones. This particular colour stood out, so I chose it for today's entry! I'll be going back to the park several times as it isn't far at all, so there will be more flowers to come !

The weather continues to be totally FABULOUS! Will it last? Will the colder days return? Who knows! I'm just enjoying it every single day. The housework can wait!!

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