On The Level

Dear Princess Normal and Dear Fellows,

Lambton Quay is like the Princes Street of Wellington, it's the main shopping street in Wellington's CBD. The Terrace is a long street that runs behind and parallel to it. It is the George Street of Wellington if you like.

At one end of The Terrace is The Beehive, and basically every morning I walk down the Big Effing Hill onto The Terrace, head toward The Beehive but a few yards before I get there is my office. 

BUT - and here's the weird part - if you walk directly into the office building onto The Terrace you are ACTUALLY on the FOURTH floor of the building! I have to go DOWN two floors to get to my office.

THIS is how effing steep all of Wellington is! If you walk down all FOUR FLIGHTS of stairs, you walk out of another exit and POOF you are on Lambton Quay!

Even The Terrace itself, if you walk back along it away from The Beehive, it's like walking along a rollercoaster, as it goes uuuuup and doooown all along its length. Mostly uuuuuup.

Today I was not in the mood. All I wanted was a fish supper and a nice evening with Er Indoors and the boys. So I took the cable car up to the botanics, with my fish supper under my arm, and walked downhill from the botanics to the house.

When I got there, I found Er Indoors unpacking loads of boxes of winter-preparation stuff. Electric blankets, extra bedding, a nice fluffy dressing gown, that sort of thing. The boys were loving it. Packing materials are their favourite thing.

And here's a picture of Jasper pretending he is me at work on the 2nd floor, "dur dur dur, I'm a business analyst... I draw pictures dur dur dur..."


p.s. I've added a picture of Punky from 5 minutes ago in the extras.

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