Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


At Athens airport a couple of weeks ago I spotted a rather adorable bottle of cider which had on its label a picture of an apple and a picture of a fox. The cider was called (in Greek) “Apple Thief” and I was so taken with it that I bought one for myself and photographed the label. I wasn't aware that cider was a thing in Greece but there you go.

But today, in Tesco, I ran into some cans of cider called “Orchard Thieves” which had pictures of two naughty foxes. The words also explained that it had been stolen from Herefordshire, a detail which had been omitted at the Greek airport. I took a photo of the tins.

Back at my mum's house armed only with the lap-top and without the software I usually use to create a collage I combined the Greek bottle from a fortnight ago with today's English tins. I had such a struggle with the available software! For whatever reason “Paint” would not allow me to paste so I had to assemble it all in “Word”, take a Screengrab and then crop it. Imagine!
A plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a fox!

I believe that "Orchard Thieves" in Greek would be Κλέφτες Περιβολίου which might make the label look crowded and busy.

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