barking mad!

By mcd3

Through rain or shine

Boiling hot from a very early hour!! ...not the best day to do a bit of weeding! It got to just over 36 degrees by about 11am and within a matter of minutes the sky turned pitch black, rumbly thunder, lightning and big drops of rain.

But the pre organised girls lunch went ahead. The drive down to City Beach was very busy with people leaving the beach because of..... A. the lightning and..... B. beaches being closed because of those big things with the pointy teeth!!

Lunch was good (apart form the fact that Annie McG had such a bad hangover she couldnt even manage a shandy!! .....she should be ashamed of herself!) Anyway we ate (not Annie though as she also felt a tad dodgy!) drank and laughed and people watched and laughed and laughed and laughed ......... it was a long afternoon....

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