The view from my desk
When I had a cup of tea in bed at 7-30 this morning, Bomble came and sat on my chest. A little later he also leapt up onto the bath as I lolled back in the hot water listening to news reports from American court rooms about 'guess who'. He didn't seem to notice the tip of his tail was dangling in the water.
By the time I got to my desk to catch up on emails and blips, I spotted him preparing to ascend to the windowsill in my study. Once up there he sat like a sentinel for a while looking out on the landscape and his domain, the back garden. When his whiskers start twitching I know there is an interloper prowling around down below. Today he was relaxed.
I thought he would like to sit on something softer than the wood so I folded up a Sunday newspaper and within minutes he was spread eagling himself in the sun as he has always loved to do. It really makes me smile to see him like this, reminding me of when we first got him as a rescue cat and we were just learning of his habits. Seeing him resting his head on outstretched legs shows me he is happy. Nowadays he is rather more of an elder statesman and like me seems to be suffering from arthritis, but unlike me he never complains! Dear sweet Bomble, loved by all our friends, and of course by us. The presence of two more morning glory flowers today makes me even happier.
I went to make a cup of coffee and he joined me to ask for a refill of his breakfast bowl, which I duly gave him. I returned to my desk and Bomble has returned to this position and is gradually spreading himself out again. He might be in fir the long haul now. Lying in the sun is his favourite thing, until it gets to mid-summer, then it is cold floors and shadows he seeks, but always close to the sun.
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