1271. WidWed180418 - Beauty!
This is probably a fairly tenuous wide angle Wednesday but when I created this my phone decided it was a panorama!
As you’ve probably noticed my current obsession is sketching and I’ve recently discovered that I can sketch on my iPad with my Apple Pencil and I’m thoroughly enjoying doing this as I don’t need pens, ink or pencils to do it so I can sketch anyway I want!
The first two are iPad sketches...my friend’s cat Bellatrix, an image I borrowed from a Photography magazine and finally a pen drawing I did for my grandson of Hairy Mclary...one of his favourite books!
I’m off to speak to my hairdresser today as I’m not getting on at all well with my new hairstyle....far too high maintenance for me...so I’m going back to a short style after spending years growing my hair long!
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