today is the first day...

By firstday

Bath time

We have often had a giggle that our phones were politically correct! Auto spell gets me alot.. Always read before sending! Deb sent me a hamper when I was recovering. Including bath crayons...first bath in ages, was lovely!!

Busy day. Was advised to have a dental check prior to starting treatment, deep clean by my lovely Egyptian dentist. Then off to my two banks to change my name!!

I now have a couple of appointments in the diary. Doctor on Friday for the palpitations that keep happening at night. I think I get anxious because I am not sleeping and it's a vicious circle. Then a MUGA scan next Wednesday, back to Nuclear Medicine to be injected with radio opaque dye. It's clever, they then get a moving image of the heart. This basically tells them if I am fit for chemotherapy. I am getting my haircut short on Friday. I will get fitted for a wig, although I am planning on rocking the scarf and Gail Porter look. My husband had a thing for her back in the day!!

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