The day my car killed a pigeon

I had no idea that today’s Mono Monday theme was ‘contrasts’ when I took this photo. I simply liked the contrast of the coat of arms symbol against the unitarian look of the windows above at County Hall, Maidstone.

Visited the Kent County Council headquarters today for a meeting with the Film Office ahead of a trade show I’m attending next month.

I had a bit of a shock on my journey home when a pigeon flew into my car door with a thud. No dent but lots of feathers and a ‘bloody’ mess (think crime scene). Baby wipes cleared up the mess on my car and I’m sure a Fox will enjoy pigeon for dinner. Daft bird!

This evening I was back on doping duty in the aircraft workshop as MK and I began covering the fuselage with fabric. Lovely to be working in natural light and enjoying an ambient temperature above freezing for a change!

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