Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Asakusa Ladies 89/365

I spent most of yesterday in Asakusa, near the SensoJi temple and along the banks of the Sumida river. As in Kyoto last August, renting kimonos seems a popular pastime and renting a rickshaw adds to the enjoyment. Asakusa has a touristy feel but not in a Benidorm way. The people are gracious and delightful and I really had a good time. It looks like a good spot for grandchild-gift-buying so I'll be back next week.
I took many shots of the locals dressed up and the best of these are on my Flickr. I have linked the album below as usual but one of my favourites is separately linked below. The guys in it were especially friendly and just getting into the swing of things by renting their clothes much like the girls do. The chap in blue's English was outstanding. Gentlemen!

Tokyo Gentlemen

Flickr Album (94 photos - scroll to bottom for latest)

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