The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

It’s All In The Detail

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I spent the day pottering in the kitchen as Dodzilla, Rod and their wives were coming for dinner.

I sometimes find when I am cooking for people that I get get stressed. I have a habit of deciding to make extra little side dishes which then take ages and I start to panic that there won’t be enough time. I decided to circumvent this by going into complete OCD mode and had written a ‘bible’ with all of the tasks that needed to be completed (in order obviously).

It was planned out in detail and I took great delight at marking each task as complete as I went.

There’s nothing like organised creativity! None of that maverick ‘pinch of this’, ‘chuck in a bit of that’ nonsense that SOME people I know (yes, you LTJ) apply to cooking.

The night went really well. It is the first time that we have socialised with our partners so it was lovely to meet Mrs Dodzilla and Mrs Rod properly. Unsurprisingly, they are amusing and good company. They got to laugh at us being IT nerds (which bore fruit when DJ Dodzilla announced that he was installing a Sonos update to get a better connection).

Due to babysitters & pregnancy, the night ended at midnight. The Prince and I sat up for an hour chatting nonsense. It felt like a joy knowing I would get enough sleep. I must be getting old!


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